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Edited books
  1. Recent Advances in Computational Optimization, S. Fidanova editor, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 470, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-00409-9, June 2013.
  2. Recent Advances in Computational Optimization, Results of the Workshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2013, S. Fidanova (editor), Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 580, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-12630-2, 2015.
  3. Metaheuristics for Large Scale Problems,Special issue, J. of Metheuristics, Vol. 3(2), gest editors S. Fidanova and Gabriel Luque, Inderscience publisher, ISSN 1755-2176, 2014.
  4. Numerical Methods and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8962, ISSN 0302-9743, 2015.
  5. Recent Advances in Computational Optimization, Results of the Workshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2014, S. Fidanova (editor), Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 610 , Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-21133-6, 2016.
  6. Recent Advances in Computational Optimization, Results of the Workshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2015, S. Fidanova (editor), Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 655 , Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-40131-7, 2016.
  7. Recent Advances in Computational Optimization, Results of the Workshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2016, S. Fidanova (editor), Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 717 , Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-59866-4, 2018.
  8. Recent Advances in Computational Optimization, Results of the Workshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2017, S. Fidanova (editor), Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 795 , Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-99647-9, 2019.
  9. Recent Advances in Computational Optimization, Results of the Workshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2018 S. Fidanova (editor), Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 838, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-22722-7, 2020.
  10. Recent Advances in Computational Optimization, Results of the Workshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2019 S. Fidanova (editor), Studies in Computational Intelligence 920, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-58883-0, 2021.
  11. Advances in High Performance Computing I. Dimov, S. Fidanova (editors), Studies in Computational Intelligence 902, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-55347-0, 2021.
  12. Recent Advances in Computational Optimization, Results of the Workshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2020 S. Fidanova (editor), Studies in Computational Intelligence 986, Springer, ISBN 978-3-031-06838-6, 2022.

Books and books chapters
  1. S. Fidanova, Ant Colony Optimization and Multiple Knapsack Problem, Handbook of Research on Nature Inspired Computining for Economics and Management,J-Ph. Renard editor, Chapter 33, Idea Group Inc, ISBN 1-59140-984-5, 2006, 498-509.[.PDF], (cited 9 times)
  2. Roeva O., Fidanova S., Application of Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization for Modelling E.Coly Cultivation process, Genetic Algorithm, Chapter, In-Tech Pub. ISBN 979-307-879-2, Chapter 13, 2012, 261 - 282.(cited 4 time)
  3. Fidanova S., Atanassov K., Marinov P., Generalized Nets and Ant Colony Optimization, Bulg. Academy of Sciences Pub. Hous, ISBN 978-954-322-473-9,2011.(cited 5 time)
  4. Atanassova V., Fidanova S., Popchev I., Chountas P., Generalized nets, ACO-algorithms and genetic algorithm, In Monte Carlo Methods and Aplications, Edited by Sabelfeld, Karl K. / Dimov, Ivan, Chapter 5, ISBN: 9783110293586, De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, 2012, pp. 39 -- 46 . (cited 10 time)
  5. Dobrinkova N., Fidanova S., Dimov I., Atanassov K., Mandel J., Game-Method for Modelling and WRF-Fire Model Working Together, In Monte Carlo Methods and Aplications, Edited by Sabelfeld, Karl K. / Dimov, Ivan, Chapter 9, ISBN: 9783110293586, De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, 2012, pp. 79 -- 86.
  6. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Alba E., Wireless Sensor Network Layout, In Monte Carlo Methods and Aplications, Edited by Sabelfeld, Karl K. / Dimov, Ivan, Chapter 10, ISBN: 9783110293586, De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, 2012, pp. 87 -- 96.
  7. Fidanova S., Roeva O., Ganzha M., ACO and GA for Parameter Settings of E.coly Fed-Batch Cultivation Model, Recent Advancece in Computational Optimizattion, Studies in Computational Intelligence 470, S. Fidanova (editor),book Chapter 4, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-00409-9, 2013, pp. 51 -- 71.
  8. Roeva O., Ts. Slavov, S. Fidanova, Population-based vs. Single Point Search Meta-heuristics for a PID Controller Tuning, In: Handbook of Research on Novel Soft Computing Intelligent Algorithms: Theory and Practical Applications, P. Vasant (Ed.), (2 Volumes), IGI Global, 2014. pp. 1-1004. Web. 8 May. 2013. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-4450-2, ISBN13: 9781466644502, ISBN10: 1466644508, EISBN13: 9781466644519, 2013, pp. 200 - 233.(cited 11 times)
  9. Roeva O., Fidanova S., Paprzycki M., Population Size Influence on the Genetic and Ant Algorithms Performance in Case of Cultivation Process Modelling, Recent Advances in Computational Optimization: Results of the Worcshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2013, Studies in Computational Intelligence 580, S. Fidanova (editor), ISBN 978-3-319-12630-2, book Chapter 7, Springer, ISBN , 2015, 107 -- 120.(cited 6 time)
  10. Roeva O., Fidanova S., Paprzycki M., InterCriteria Analysis of ACO and GA Hybrid Algorithms, Recent Advances in Computational Optimization: Results of the Worcshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2014, Studies in Computational Intelligence 610, S. Fidanova (editor), book Chapter 7, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-21132-9, Springer, 2016, 107 -- 126. (cited 6 time)
  11. Fidanova S., Metaheuristic Method for Transport Modelling and Optimization, Inovative Approaches and Solutions in Advanced Intelligent Systems, Studies in Computational Intelligence, No 648, S. Margenov, G. Angelova, G. Agre eds., ISBN 978-3-319-32207-0, Chapter 19, Springer, Germany, SJR 0.235, 2016, 295-302.
  12. Roeva O., Vassilev P., Fidanova S., Paprzycki M., InterCriteria Analysis of Genetic Algorithms Performance, Studies of Computational Intelligence, No 655, S. Fidanova (editor), book Chapter 14, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-40131-7, 2016, 235-260.
  13. Mucherino A., Fidanova S., Ganzha M., Introducing the Environment in Ant Colony Optimization Studies of Computational Intelligence, No 655, S. Fidanova (editor), book Chapter 9, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-40131-7, 2016, 147-158.(cited 1 time)
  14. Fidanova S., Shindarov M., Marinov P., Wireless sensor positioning ACO algorithm, Studies of Computational Intelligence, K. Atanassov and J. Kasparzik editors, Recent Contributions in Intelligent Systems, Studies of Computational Intelligence 657, book Chapter 3, Springer, ISBN:978-3-319-41437-9, SIR 0.187, 2017, 33 -- 44 .
  15. Fidanova S., Atanassov K., Generalized Net Model of Transportation Network, Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics, Studies of Computational Intelligence 681, K. Geueorguiev, I. Gueorguiev eds., Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-49544-6, SJR 0.187, 2017, 23--83.
  16. Roeva O., Fidanova S.,InterCriteria Analysis of Relations Between Model Parameter Estimations and ACO Performance,Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics, Studies of Computational Intelligence 681, K. Gueorguiev, I. Gueorguiev eds., Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-49544-6, SJR 0.187, 2017, 175--186.
  17. Roeva O., Fidanova S., Paprzycki M.,Comparison of Different ACO Start Strategies Based on InterCriteria Analysis, Recent Advances in Computational Optimization, Results of the Workshop on Computational Optimization WCO 2016, S. Fidanova (editor), Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 717 , Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-59860-4, SJR 0.187, 2018, 53-72.
  18. Evtimov G., Fidanova S.,Ant Colony optimization algorithm for 1D Cutting Stock Problem, Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics, Studies of Computational Intelligence 728, K. Gueorguiev, I. Gueorguiev eds., Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-49544-6, SJR 0.187, 2018, 25-31. (cited 1 time)
  19. Evtimov G., Fidanova S., 2D Optimal Cutting Problem, Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics, Studies of Computational Intelligence 728, K. Gueorguiev, I. Gueorguiev eds., Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-49544-6, SJR 0.187, 2018, 33-39.
  20. Ismaili S., Fidanova S., Representation of Civilians and Police Officers by Generalized Nets for Describing Software Agents in the Case of Protest,Studies of Computational Intelligence 728, K. Gueorguiev, I. Gueorguiev eds., Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-65529-1, SJR 0.187, 2018, 71-78.
  21. Kapanova K., Fidanova S., Generalized nets: a new approach to model a htags linguistic network on Twitter , Studies of Computational Intelligence 793, K. Gueorguiev, I. Gueorguiev eds., Springer, SJR 0.187, 2019, 211 -- 289.
  22. Roeva O., Fidanova S., Luque G., Paprzycki M., Intercriteria Analisys of ACO Performance for Workforce Planning Problem,Studies of Computational Intelligence 795, ISCB 978-3-319-99647-9, S. Fidanova editor, Springer, 2019, 47 -- 67, SJR 0.187.
  23. Fidanova S., Roeva O., Luque G., Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Workforce Planing: Influence of the Algorithm Parameters, Studies of Computational Intelligence 793, K. Gueorguiev, I. Gueorguiev eds, Springer, SJR 0.187, 2019, 119 -- 128.
  24. Evtimov G., Fidanova S., Analyses and Boolean Operation of 2D Poligons, Studies of Computational Intelligence 793, K. Gueorguiev, I. Gueorguiev eds, Springer, SJR 0.187, 2019, 107 -- 118.
  25. Myasnichenko V., Kirilov L., Mikhov R., Fidanova S., Sdobnyakov N.,Simulated Annealing Method for Metal Nanoparticle Structures Optimization , Studies of Computational Intelligence 793, K. Gueorguiev, I. Gueorguiev eds., Springer, SJR 0.187, 2019, 277 -- 289.
  26. Roeva O., Fidanova S.. Different InterCriteria Analysis of Variants of ACO algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network Positioning. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 838, Springer, 2020, ISBN:978-3-030-22723-4, DOI:, 83-103. SJR (Scopus):0.183
  27. Myasnichenko V., Sdobnyakov N., Kirilov L., Mikhov R., Fidanova S.. Structural Instability of Gold and Bimetallic Nanowires Using Monte Carlo Simulation. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 838, Springer, 2020, ISBN:978-3-030-22723-4, DOI:, 133-145. SJR (Scopus):0.183
  28. Fidanova S., Roeva O., Luque G., Paprzycki M.. InterCriteria Analysis of Different Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms for Workforce Planning. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 838, Springer, 2020, ISBN:978-3-030-22723-4, 61-81. SJR (Scopus):0.183
  29. Myasnichenko V., Fidanova S., Mikhov R., Kirilov L., Sdobnyakov N.. Representation of Initial Temperature as a Function in Simulated Annealing Approach for Metal Nanoparticle Structures Modeling. Studies of Computational Intelligence, Springer, SJR (Scopus):0.183 (in press)
  30. Roeva O., Fidanova S., Ganzha M.. InterCriteria Analysis of the Evaporation Parameter In uence on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm: A Workforce Planning Problem. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, SJR (Scopus):0.182 (in press)
  31. Mikhov R., Myasnichenko V., Fidanova S., Kirilov L., Sdobnyakov N.. Influence of the temperature on Simulated Annealing Method for Metal Nanoparticle Structures Optimization. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, SJR (Scopus):0.183 (in press)
  32. Fidanova S., Stoykova V.. Teaching Supercomputers. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, SJR (Scopus):0.183(in press)
  33. Fidanova S., Atanassov K.. Generalized Net Model for Flying Ant Colony Optimization. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, SJR (Scopus):0.183 (in press)

Journal articles
  1. V.Aleksandrov,S.Fidanova, On the expected execution time for a class of non uniform recurrence equation mapped onto 1D regular array, J. Parallel Algorithms and Applications, vol.1, 1994, 303-314, (cited 10 times).
  2. S.Fidanova,Linear array for spelling correction, Concurrency:Practice and Experience,Vol.9, 1997, 267-273, (cited 1 time).
  3. S.Fidanova, Parallel execution of a class of non uniform recurrence equations into a linear array , J. of Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 2001, 478-485.
  4. S.Fidanova,D.Trystram, Improved lower bounds for embedding hypercubes on de Bruijn graphs, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol 64, 2004, 327-329.[.PS]
  5. S. Fidanova, ACO Algorithm for MKP Using Various Heuristic Information, 5th Int Conference of Numerical Methods and Applications,Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 2542, Springer, Germany , 2003, 434-440.[.PS],(cited 27).
  6. S. Fidanova, ACO Algorithm with Additional Reinforcement, Int Conf. from Ant Colonies to Artificial Ants, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 2463,Springer, Germany, 2002,292-293.[.PDF], (cited 12 times).
  7. S. Fidanova, Monte Carlo Method for Multiple Knapsack Problem, Int Conf. of Large-Scale Scientific Computimg, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 2907, Springer-Verlag, Germany, 2004, 136-143.[.PS], (cited 3 time).
  8. Fidanova S., Convergence Proof for a Monte Carlo Methods for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Computer Science-ICCS-2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences No 3039 ISBN: 3-540-22129-8, Springer, Germany, 2004, 523-534.[.PS], (cited 6 times).
  9. Fidanova S., Ant Colony Optimization for Multiple Knapsack Problem and Model Bias, NAA'04, lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer No 3401, Germany, 2005, 282-289.[.PS], (cited 20 time).
  10. Fidanova S. and Durchova M., Ant Algorithm for Grid Sheduling Problem, Large Scale Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 3743, 2006, 405-412.[.PDF], (cited 108 times)
  11. Fidanova S., Simulated Annealing: A Monte Carlo Method for GPS Surveying, Computational Science - 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 3991, 2006, 1009-1012.[.PS], (cited 1 time)
  12. Fidanova S., Hybrid Heuristics Algorithms for GPS Surveying Problem, Numerical Methods and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 4310, 2007,239-248.[.PDF] (cited 9 time)
  13. Fidanova S., An Heuristic Method for GPS Surveying Problem, Computational Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 4490, 2007, 1084--1090.[.PDF] (cited 4 time)
  14. Fidanova S., Probabilistic Model of An Colony Optimization for Multiple Knapsack Problem, Large Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 4818, 2008, 545-552.[.PDF] (cited 9 time)
  15. Fidanova S., Near-Native Protein Structure Simulation J. of Bioautomation Vol. 7, 2007,57-63.[.PDF]
  16. Fidanova S., Alba E. and Molina G., Memetic Simulated Annealing for GPS Surveying problem Numerical Analisis and Aplications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 5434, ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-642-00464-3, 2009, 281 - 288.[PDF] (cited 3 times)
  17. Kutiev I., Marinov P., Fidanova S., Warnant R., Modeling Medium-Scale TEC Structures, Observed by Belgian GPS Receivers Network, Int. Journal Advancec in Space Research, Vol 43 (11), ISSN -273-1177, IF 0.774, 2009, 1732-1739.(cited 1 time)
  18. Fidanova S., Atanasov K., Generalized Net Models of the Process of Ant Colony Optimization, Issues on Intitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, Vol 7, 2008, 108-114.[.PS] (cited 2 time)
  19. Fidanova S., Atanasov K., Generalizet net models for the process of hibrid ant colony optimization, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol. 62 (3), 2009, 315-322.[.PS] (cited 2 time)
  20. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Intuitionistic Fuzzy Estimation of the Ant Methodology, J. of Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol 9(2), ISSN 1311-9702, 2009, 79-88. [.PDF] (cited 1 time)
  21. Dobrinkova N., Fidanova S. and Atanasov K., Game-Method Model for Filed Fires, Large Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 5910, ISSN 0302-9743, Springer, Germany, 2010, 173-179.[.PDF]
  22. Fidanova S., Alba E. and Molina G., Hybrid ACO Algorithm for the GPS Surveying Problem, Large Scale Scientfic Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 5910, ISSN 0302-9743, Springer, Germany, 2010, 318-325.[.PDF] (cited 1 time)
  23. Atanassov K. and Fidanova S, Generalized Nets as Tools for Modelling of the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms, Large Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer No 5910, ISSN 0302-9743, Germany, 2010, 326-333.[.PDF] (cited 3 times)
  24. Fidanova S. and Lirkov I., 3D Protein Structure Prediction, J. Analele Universitatii de Vest Timisoara, Seria Matematica-Informatica, Vol XLVII(2),ISSN 1224-970X, 2009, 33-46.[.PDF] (cited 5 times)
  25. Fidanova S., Atanassov K., Marinov P., Parvathi R., Ant Colony Optimization for Multiple Knapsack Problem with Controlled Start, In. Journal on Bioautomation, Vol 13(4), ISSN 1312-451X, 2009, 271-280. [.PDF]
  26. Fiodanova S., Marinov P., Atanassov K., Generalized Net Models of the Process of Ant Colony Optimization with Different Strategies and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Estimations, Proc. Jangjeon Math. ISSN 1598-7264, Soc. Vol. 13(1), 2010, 1-12. (cited 1 time)
  27. Fidanova S., Atanassov K., Generalized net models and intuitionistic fuzzy estimation of the process of ant colony optimization Issues on Intitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, Vol 8, ISBN 978-83-61551-00-3,2010, pp. 109 - 124.(cited 2 times)
  28. Fidanova S., An Improvement of the Grid-based Hydrophobic-hydrophilic ModelJournal on Bioautomation, ISSN 1312-451X, Vol. 14(2) 2010, pp. 147 - 156. [.PDF] (cited 4 time)
  29. Fidanova S., Atanassov K., Marinov, Start Strategies of ACO Applied on Subset Problems, Numerical Methods and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 6046, Springer, Germany, 2011, pp. 248 - 255. (cited 3 times)
  30. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Atanassov K., Sensitivity Analysis of ACO Start Strategies for Subset ProblemsNumerical Methods and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 6046, Springer, Germany, 2011, pp. 256 - 263.
  31. Fidanova S., Atanassov K., Marinov P., Intuitionistic Fuzzy Estimation of the Ant Colony Optimization Starting Points, Large Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 7116, Springer Germany,2012, pp. 219 - 226. (cite 2 time)
  32. Atanassova V., Fidanova S., Chountas P., Atanassov K., A generalized net with an ACO-algorithm optimization component, Large Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7116, Springer Germany, 2012, pp. 187 - 194. (cited 2 time)
  33. Roeva O., Fidanova S., Metaheuristic Techniques for Optimization of an E. coli Cultivation Model, J. of Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, DIAGNOSIS PRESS LTD, Vol 27(3), ISSN:1310-2818, IF 0.760, 2013, 3870-3876.(cited 4 times)
  34. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Alba E., Ant Algorithm for Optimal Sensor Deployment, Computational Intelligence, K. Madani, A.-D. Correia, A. Rosa, J. Filipe (eds.), Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 399, ISSN 1860-949X, 2012, pp. 21 - 29. (cited 27 time)
  35. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Ant Colony Optimization Start Strategies Performance According Some of the Parameters, Numerical Analyzis and Applications, I. Dimov, I. Farago, L. Vulkov, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 8236, Springer, Germany, 2013, pp. 287 - 294.
  36. Fidanova S., Shindarov M., Marinov P., Multi-Objective Ant Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network Positioning, Proceedings of te Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Vol 66(3), ISSN 1310-1331, IF 0,210, 2013, pp. 353 - 360.
  37. Belehaki, A., I. Tsagouri, I. Kutiev, P. Marinov, S. Fidanova, Upgrades to the Topside Sounders Model assisted by Digisonde (TaD) and its validation at the topside ionosphere, in J. Space Weather & Space Climate, Vol. 2(A20), Vol 2(A20), ISSN 2115-7251, CrossRef indexation, DOI 10.1051/swsc/201200120, December 2012, pp. A20p1 - A20p14.(cited 2 time)
  38. Kutiev, I., P. Marinov, S. Fidanova, A. Belehaki, I. Tsagouri, Adjustments of the TaD electron density reconstruction model with GNSS TEC parameters for operational application purposes, in J. Space Weather & Space Climate, Vol 2(21) ISSN 2115-7251, CrossRef indexation, DOI 10.1051/swsc/20120121, December 2012, pp. A21p1 - A21p7. (cited 2 times)
  39. Fidanova S., Roeva O., Hybrid Bat Algorithm for Parameter Identification of an E. coli Cultivation Process Model, J. of Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment Vol 27(6), DIAGNOSIS PRESS LTD, ISSN:1310-2818, IF 0.760, 2013, 43323 -- 4326.(cited 8 times)
  40. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Paprzycki M, Influence of the Number of Ants on Multy-Objective Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network Layout, Large-Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8353, Springer, Germany, ISSN 0302-9743, 2014, 208 -- 215.(cited 3 times)
  41. Sotirova E., Velizarova E., Fidanova S., Atanasov K., Modeling Forest Fire Spread through a Game Method for Modeling Based on Hexagonal Cells, Large-Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8353, Springer, Germany, ISSN 0302-9743, 2014, 296 -- 306.
  42. Roeva O., Fidanova S., Atanassova V., Hybrid ACO-GA for Parameter Identification of an E. coli Cultivation Process Model, Large-Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8353, Springer, Germany, ISSN 0302-9743, 2014, 288 -- 295.
  43. P. Szmeja, K. Wasielewska, M. Ganzha, M. Drozdowicz, M. Paprzycki, S. Fidanova, I. Lirkov, Reengineering and Extending the Agents in Grid Ontology, Large-Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8353, Springer, Germany, ISSN 0302-0743, 2014, 517 -- 527.
  44. Fidanova S., Application of HPD Model for Predicting Protein Mutations, Int. J. Cibernetics and Information Technologies Vol 13(4), ISSN 1311-9702, SJR 0.101, 2013, 95 -- 103.
  45. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Paprzycki M., Multi-Objective ACO Algorithm for WSN Layout: Performance According Number of Ants, J. of Metaheuristics, Vol 3(2), ISSN 1755-2176, 2014, 149 -- 161. (cited 6 times)
  46. Roeva O., Fidanova S., Parameter Identification of an E.coli Cultivation Peocess Model Using Hybrid Metahaeuristics, J. of Metaheuristics, Vol 3(2), ISSN 1755-2176, 2014, 133 -- 148. (cited 2 time)
  47. Fidanova S., Pop P., An Ant Algorithm for the Partitioned Graph Coloring Problem, Numerical Methods and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8962, Springer, Germany, ISSN 0302-9743, 2015, 78 -- 84.
  48. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Atanassov K., New Estimations of Ant Colony Optimization Start Nodes, Int. J. Control and Cybernetics Vol. 43, Polish Academy of Science, ISSN 0324-8569, SJR 0.290, IF 0.380, 2014, 471 -- 486.
  49. Fidanova S., Pop P., An Improved Hybrid Ant-Local Search Algorithm for the Partition Graph Coloring Problem, J. Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol 293. Elsevier, IF 1.266, SJR 1.104, doi:10.1016/, 2016, 55 -- 61. (cited 6 time)
  50. Stefka Fidanova, Zlatolilya Ilcheva, Application of Ants Ideas on Image Edge Detection, Large Scale Sciantific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, SJR 0.310, 2016, 200 -- 207.(cited 1 time)
  51. Fidanova S. Roeva O., InterCriteria Analysis of Ant Colony Optimzation Application to GPS Surveying Problems, Issues in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, Vol. 12, 2016, 20 -- 38. (Cited 3 time)
  52. Fidanova S., Marinov P., The Impact of the Slope on Fire Spread Simulation, Environment Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 3(15), 2016. IF 1.065, 505-510.(cited 2 times)
  53. Marinov P., Fidanova S., Intercriteria and Correlation Analyses: Similarities, Differences and Simultaneous Use,Anual of "Informatics" Section, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Vol. 8, 2016, 45-53.(cited 1 time)
  54. Fidanova S., Roeva O., Mucherino A., Kapanova K.,InterCriteria Analysis of ANT Algorithm with Enviroment Change for GPS Surveying Problem, Artificial Intelligence:Methodology, Systems and Applications, Ch. Dachev, G. Agre eds., Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 9883, ISBN 978-3-319-44747-6, SJR 0.272, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44748-3_26, 2016, 271-278.(cited 1 time)
  55. George, S., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M., Fidanova, S., Lirkov, I.. Building a Platform to Collect Crowdsensing Data: Preliminary Considerations. Applications of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, AMiTaNS 2017, American Institute of Physics, 2017, ISSN:0094-243X, SJR:0.198
  56. Fidanova S., Roeva O., Atanasova V., Ant Colony Optimization Application to GPS Surveying Problems: InterCriteria Analysis, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, ISSN: 2194-53572, Springer,2018, 251-264.
  57. Roeva O., Fidanova S., Comparison of Different Metaheuristic Algorithm Based on Intercriteria Analysis, J. Computational and Applied Mathematics 340, ISSN: 0377-0427, 2018, 615-628, IF. 1.357, 2018.
  58. Fidanova S., Roeva O., Influence of Ant Colony Optimization Parameters on the Algorithm Performance, Large Scale Sciantific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10665, SJR 0.310, 2018, 358-365.
  59. Evtimov G., Fidanova S., Heuristic algorithm for 2D cutting stock problem , Large Scale Sciantific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10665, SJR 0.310, 2018, 350-357.
  60. Fidanova S., Atanassov K., Flaying Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Combinatorial Optimization, Studia Informatica, Journal of Polish Information Sociaty, Vol. 38(4), ISSN 1642-0489,2018, 31-40.
  61. Ismaili S., Fidanova S., Application of game theory and evolutionary algorithms in solving conflicts in social systems , J. Bioautomation, Vol 23(3), 2019, 293-301, SJR 0.250.
  62. Ismaili S., Fidanova S., Application of IFS for Conflict Resolution Modeling and Agent Based Simulation, J. Bioautomation, Vol 23(2), 2019, 175-184, SJR 0.250.
  63. Ismaili S., Fidanova S., Applications of intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets on Agend Based Modeling, Proceedings of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Vol. 71(6), 2018, 812-819. IF 0.251.
  64. Fidanova S., Roeva O., InterCriteria Analyzis of Differen Variants of ACO algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network Positioning, Numerical Methods and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11189, S. Dimova editor, Springer, 2019,88-96, SJR 230.
  65. Evtimov G., Fidanova S., Substract two 2D polygons with some maching vertices, Numerical Methods and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11189, S. Dimova editor, Springer, 2019, 80-87, SJR 230.
  66. Myasnichenko V., Sdobnyakov N., Kirilov L., Mikhov R., Fidanova R.,Monte-Carlo Approach for Optimizing of Metal Nanowires and Nanoalloys Structure, Numerical Methods and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11189, S. Dimova editor, Springer, 2019, 133-141, SJR 230.
  67. Jakub Fijalkowski, Maria Ganzh, Marcin Paprzyck, Stefka Fidanova, Ivan Lirkov, Costin Badica and Mirjana Ivanovic, Mining Smartphone Generated Data for User Action Recognition Preliminary Assessment, Applications of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, AMiTaNS 2018, American Institute of Physics conference proceedings 2025, 090001, ISSN:0094-243X, doi: 10.1063/1.5064928, 2018, SJR:0.198.
  68. Rafal Szczekute, Maria Ganzh, Marcin Paprzyck, Stefka Fidanova, Ivan Lirkov, Costin Badica and Mirjana Ivanovic,Applications of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, AMiTaNS 2017, American Institute of Physics, 2018, merican Institute of Physics conference proceedings 2025, 090002, ISSN:0094-243X, doi: 10.1063/1.5064929, 2018, SJR:0.198.
  69. Myasnichenko V., Sdobnyakov N., Kirilov L., Mikhov R., Fidanova S.. Monte-Carlo Approach for Optimizing of Metal Nanowires and Nanoalloys Structure. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11189, Springer, 2019, ISBN:978-303010691-1, ISSN:03029743, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-10692-8_15, 133-141. SJR (Scopus):0.295
  70. Fidanova S., Roeva O.. Multi-Objective ACO Algorithm for WSN Layout: InterCriteria Analisys. Lecture Notice in Computer Science, 11958, Springer, 2020, ISBN:978-3-030-410315, 474-481. SJR (Scopus):0.238
  71. Dezert J., Tchamova A., Fidanova S., Deqiang H.. Two Applications of Inter-Criteria Analysis With Belief Functions. CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, ISSN:1311-9702, SJR (Scopus):0.215 (in press)

Articles in conference proceedings
  1. S.Fidanova, The mapping of algorithms on linear systolic array, Int. Conf.. of Parallel and distributed processing,Ed. K. Boyanov, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1991, 285-292, (cited 1 time).
  2. V.Aleksandrov,S.Fidanova, On the average execution time for a special class of non uniform recurrence equation on a linear systolic array, Conf. of Numerical Methods and applications, Eds. Iv. Dimov, O. Tonev, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Niderland, 1992, 145-151, (cited 1 time).
  3. S.Fidanova, Recursive algorithms on fixed size systolic array, Int. conf. of Parallel and distributed processing, Sofia, 1993, 360-368.
  4. S.Fidanova, Automatic derivation of expandable systolic algorithms for LU decomposition, Int. conf. of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computation, Sozopol,1993, 63-66.
  5. V.Aleksandrov,S.Fidanova, Non uniform Recurrence equations on 2D regular arrays, Advances in numerical methods and applications,Eds Iv. Dimov, Bl.Sendov, P. Vasilevski,World Scientific,1994, 217-225, (cited 4 times).
  6. S.Fidanova,V.Aleksandrov,G.Megson, Mapping Knapsack Type Problems on 2D Regular Arrays: Two Case Studies, Int. Conf. of Parallel Processing, Potsdam, Germany, 1994, 247-256.
  7. S.Fidanova,A.Goldman, Parallel Execution of irregular meshes into a systolic linear array, Int. conf of Parallel Processing & Applied Mathematics, Eds. R. Wirzikovski, Zakopane, Poland,Academic Press, 1997, 267-272.
  8. Ch.Faure, P. Dutto, S.Fidanova, Automatic differentiation and parallelism, in proceedings of Enumath'99, Eds. P. Neittaanmaki,T. Tiihonen, P. Tarvainen,World-Scientific, 1999, 478-485.(cited 4 time)
  9. L. Hascoet, S.Fidanova, Ch. Held Adjoining Independent Computations, The 3rd International Conference on Automatic Differentiation:From Simulation to Optimization, June 2000,Nice, France, Springer-Verlag, 2001, 299-304, (cited 23 times).
  10. S. Fidanova, Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiple Knapsack Problem, Int. Conference Parallel Problems Solving from Nature, Real World Optimization Using Evolutionary Computing, ISBN No 0-9543481-0-9,Granada, Spain, 2002.[.PS], (cited 37 times).
  11. S. Fidanova, Ant Colony Optimization and Pheromone Importance Computer Science, Engineering and Applications, Callos N. et all eds., 7th World Multiconf. on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, USA, 2003, 408-413.
  12. S. Fidanova, Ant Colony Optimization and Pheromone Model, Int. Conf. on Real-Life Applications of Metaheuristics, electronic publication, , 2003.
  13. Saleh H. A. and S. Fidanova, Tabu Search Procedures for Optimising Global Positioning System Surveying Networks,Int. Conf. on Real-Life Applications of Metaheuristics, electronic publication, , 2003.
  14. Saleh H. A. and S. Fidanova, The Optimal Use of Space Technology for Environmental Disaster Management in the Danube Basin In proc of The Danube and Europe: Integrated Space Applications in Danube Basin, Mamaia, Romania, 2005.
  15. Fidanova S. and Saleh H. A. Ant Colony Optimization for Scheduling the Surveying Activities of Satelite Positioning Networks, International Conference on Information Systems and Data Grids, Sofia Bulgaria, pp. 43-54, 2005. [.DOC]
  16. Fidanova S., Heuristics for Multiple Knapsack Problem, IADIS Applied Computing 2005 Conference, Algavre, Portugal. 2005, pp. 255-260. [.PS], (cited 10 time).
  17. Fifanova S.,Saleh H. A. Efficient Tabu Search Procedures for the GPS Surveying In proc. of Metaheuristic International Conference, Vienna 2005, pp. 342-347.[.PS]
  18. Fidanova S., Simulated Annealing for Grid Scheduling Problem In proc. of IEEE JVA International Symposium on Modern Computing, Sofia, Bulgaria,IEEE Computer Society, 2006, pp. 41-45.[.PDF], (cited 73 tmes).
  19. Fidanova S., 3D HP Protein Folding Problem Using Ant Algorithm In proc. of BioPS International Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2006, pp.III.19-III.26. [.PDF], (cited 8 times).
  20. Fidanova S., MMAS and ACS for GPS Surveying Problem In proc. of Int Conf on Evolutionary Computing, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2008, pp. 87 - 91. [.PDF] (cited 1 time)
  21. Fidanova S., Atanasov K., Generalized Net Models of the Process of Ant Colony Optimization with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Estimations, In Proc. of the Ninth Int. Workshop on Generalized Nets, Sofia, 4 July, 2008, pp. 41 - 48.[.PS] (cited 2 time)
  22. Fidanova S., Near-Native Protein Folding, In. Proc. of Int. Conf. Computer Science'2008, Kavala, Greece, 2009, pp. 61 - 66. [.PDF]
  23. Fidanova S., Lirkov I., Ant Colony System Approach for Protein Folding , Int. Conf. Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Wisla, Poland, 2008, pp. 887 - 891.[.PDF], (cited 31 times)
  24. Fidanova S., Atanassov K., Marinov P., Intuitionistic Fuzzy Estimations of the Ant Colony Optimization, In proc. of BGSIAM'08, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2009, pp. 33 - 36.[.PDF]. (cited 1 time)
  25. Fidanova S., HPD Model for Protein Structure Simulation In proc. of Fifth International Conference Computer Science'2009, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010, ISBN 978-954-438-853-9, pp.336 - 341.
  26. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Atanassov K., Adjoint Estimation of Ant Colony Optimization Start Methods, In proc. of BGSIAM'09, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010, pp. 29 - 33.[.PS]
  27. Fidanova S., Atanassov K., Marinov P.Comparison of ACO behaviour with various start strategies applied on MKP, In Proc. Of Int. Conf. Of Information Systems and Grid Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISBN 978-954-07-3168-1, 2010, pp. 191 - 199.
  28. Fidanova S., Atanassov K., Marinov P.ACO with semi-random start applied on MKP, In Proc. of Int. Conf. Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology,18-20 October 2010 Wisla, Poland, ISBN 978-83-60810-22-4, ISSN 1896-7094, 2010, pp. 887 - 891.[.PDF](cited 2 time)
  29. Fidanova S, Marinov P., Alba E., ACO for Optimal Sensor Layout, In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Evolutionary Computing, Valencia, Spain, Joaquim Filipe and Janus Kacprzyk eds., SciTePress-Science and Technology Publications portugal, ISBN 978-989-8425-31-7, 2010, pp. 5 - 9.[.PDF](cited 5 time)
  30. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Ant Colony Optimization Start Strategies: Two Case Studies, In proc. of BGSIAM'10, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-3357, 2011, pp. 29 - 35.[.PS]
  31. Fidanova S., Shindarov M., Marinov P., Optimal Sensor Layout using Multi-Objective Metaheuristic, In Proc. Of Int. Conf. Of Information Systems and Grid Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISSN 1314-4855, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2011, pp. 114 - 122.
  32. Atanassov K., Fidanova S., On a Representation of ACO-algorithm by Game Method for Modelling, Seminar of Informatics of Union of Bulagian Scientists, Vol. 4, ISSN 1313-6852, 2011, 62 - 67.
  33. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Optimal Wireless Sensor Network Coverage with Ant Colony Optimization In. Proc. of Int. Conf. on Swarm Intelligence, Paris, France, , 2011.(cited 5 time)
  34. Stefka Fidanova, Pencho Marinov, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Estimation of the Ant Colony Optimization Starting Points: Part 2 Int. Conf on Intuitionistic fuzzy sets,May 11 - 12, Burgas, Bulgaria, ISSN 1310-4926, 2011, pp. 75 - 81.
  35. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Influence of the Parameter R on ACO Start Strategies, In Proc. of BGSIAM'11, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012,pp.38 - 43.
  36. Velizarova E., Sotirova E., Atanassov K., Vassilev P., Fidanova S., On the Game Method for the Forest Fire Spread Modelling with Considering the Wind Effect, In proc of IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Systems, Sofia, Bulgaria, September, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-2277-5, 216 - 220.(cited 3 times)
  37. Shindarov M., Fidanova S., Marinov P., Wireless Sensor Positioning Algorithm, In Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Systems, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 6-8 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-2277-5, pp. 419 - 424. (cited 2 times)
  38. Fidanova S., Shindarov M., Marinov P., Mono-objective Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Layout, In Proc. of OMCO-NET conference, Southempton, UK,June 28-30 2012, ISBN 978-09563140-4-8, pp. 57 - 63.
  39. Sotirova E., K. Atanassov, S. Fidanova, E. Velizarova, P. Vassilev, A. Shannon, Application of the Game Method for Modelling the Forest Fire Perimeter Expansion. Part 1: A Model Fire In tensity Without E_ect Of Wind, In proc. of IFAC Workshop on Dynamics and Control in Agriculture and Food Processing, Plovdiv, Bulgaria,2012, ISBN:978-954-9641-53-0, pp. 159 - 164.
  40. Sotirova E., K. Atanassov, S. Fidanova, E. Velizarova, P. Vassilev, A. Shannon, Application of the Game Method for Modelling the Forest Fire Perimeter Expansion. Part 2: A Model Fire Intensity With Effect Of Wind,In proc. of IFAC Workshop on Dynamics and Con trol in Agriculture and Food Processing, Plovdiv, Bulgaria,2012, ISBN:978-954-9641-53-0, pp.165 - 170.
  41. Sotirova E., K. Atanassov, S. Fidanova, E. Velizarova, P., Vassilev, A. Shannon, Application of the Game Method for Modelling the Forest Fire Perimeter Expansion. Part 3: A Model of the Forest Fire Speed Propagation in Di_erent Homogenous Vegetation Types, In proc. of IFAC Workshop on Dynamics and Con trol in Agriculture and Food Processing, Plovdiv, Bulgaria,2012, ISBN:978-954-9641-53-0, pp.171 - 174.
  42. Fidanova S., Roeva O., Ganzha M., ACO for Parameter Settings of \emph{E. coli} Fed-batch Cultivation Model, In proc. of FedCSIS 2012, IEEE Xplorer, 2012, ISBN 978-83-60810-51-4, pp. 407 - 414.
  43. .Belehaki A., I. Tsagouri, I. Kutiev, P. Marinov and S. Fidanova, An improved model for operational specification of the electron density structure up to GNSS orbits assisted by Digisonde data, Proc. of the Ionosphere Effects Symposium, Alexandria, Virginia USA, May 17-19, 2011 Art.No IES2011-A027, PB 2011-113661, 2012, pp. 204 -- 211.
  44. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Influence of the Number of Ants on Mono-Objective Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network Layout, In Proc. of BGSIAM'12, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISSN 1314-7145, 2012, pp. 59 -- 66.
  45. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Field Fire Simulation Applying Hexagonal Game Method, In Proc. of Information System and Grid Technology International Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISSN 1314-4855, 1013, pp. 215 -- 221.
  46. Roeva O., Fidanova S., Paprzycki M., Influence of the Population Size on the Genetic Algorithm Performance in Case of Cultivation Process Modelling, In proc. of FedCSIS 2013, IEEE Xplorer, ISSN 2300-5963, ISBN 978-1-4673-4471-5, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1385N-ART, 2013, pp. 371 -- 376. (cited 80 time)
  47. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Number of Ants Versus Number of Iterations on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Layout, In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Robotics Automation and Mechatronics, RAM 2013, Bankya, Bulgaria, ISSN 1314-4634, 2013, pp. 90 -- 93. (cited 2 times)
  48. Sotirova E., Bureva V., Velizarova E., Fidanova S., Marinov P., Atanassov K., Hexagonal Game Method Model of Forest Fire Spread with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Estimations, 17-th Int. Conf. on IFSs, Sofia 1-2 November 2013, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 19(3), ISSN 1310-4926, 2013, 73 - 80.(cited 1 time)
  49. Fidanova S., Paprzycki M., Roeva O., Hybrid GA-ACO Algorithm for a Model Parameter Identification Problem, In proc. of FedCSIS 2014 conference, IEEE Xplorer, IEEE catalog number CFP1485N-ART, ISSN 2300-5963, ISBN 978-83-60810-58-3, 2014, DOI 10.15439/2014F373, pp. 413 - 420.(cited 12 times)
  50. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Wind model in a wild fire spread, In proc of Numerical Methods for Scientific Computations and Advanced Applications, K. Georgiev editor, ISBN 975-954-91700-7-8, 2014, pp. 31 -- 34.
  51. Fidanova S., Marinov P., Parallel Algorithm for Field Fire Simulation Mathematics in Industry, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Proc of SIAM'2013, ISBN(10): 1-4438-6401-3, 2014, pp. 78 - 87.
  52. Fidanova S., Mucherino A., Ant Colony Optimization with Environment Changes: An Application to GPS Surveying, FedCSIS'2015, EEE Xplorer, IEEE catalog number CFP1585N-ART, ISSN 2300-5963, ISBN 978-83-60810-66-1, 2015, DOI 10.15439/2015F33 pp. 495 - 500.
  53. Roeva O., Vassilev P., Fidanova S., Gepner P., InterCriteria Analysis of a Model Parameters Identification Using Genetic Algorithm, FedCSIS'2015, IEEE Xplorer, IEEE catalog number CFP1585N-ART, ISSN 2300-5963, ISBN 978-83-60810-66-1, 2015, DOI 10.15439/2015F233, pp. 501 - 506.(cited 6 time)
  54. Fidanova S., Roeva O., Paprzycki M., Gepner P., InterCriteria Analysis of ACO Start Startegies, FedCSIS'2016, IEEE Xplorer, IEEE catalog number CFP1585N-ART, ISBN 978-83-60810-90-3, DOI:, 2016, 547 - 550.(cited 1 time)
  55. Wasielewska K., Ganzha M., Paprzycki M., Badica C., Ivanovic M., Lirkov I., Fidanova S., Agents in Grid extended to Clouds, AMITANS'16, AIP Conf. Proceedings No 1773, ISBN 978-0-7354-1431-0, DOI 10.1063/14964984, 2016, 070002-1 - 070002-9.
  56. Fidanova F., Roeva O., InterCriteria Analysis of Different Metaheuristics Applied to Ecoli Cultivation Process. Numerical Methods for Scientific Computations and Advanced Applications, 2016, ISBN:ISBN 978-619-7223-18-7, 21-25 .
  57. Fidanova S., Luquq G., Roeva O., Paprzycki M., Gepner P., Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Workforce Planning, FedCSIS'2017, IEEE Xplorer, IEEE catalog number CFP1585N-ART, 2017, 415-419.
  58. Roeva O., Fidanova S., Luque G., Paprzycki M., Gepner P., Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Workforce Planning, FedCSIS'2018, IEEE Xplorer, 2018, 233 -- 236.
  59. Fidanova S., Dezert J., Tchamova A.. Inter-Criteria Analysis Based on Belief Functions for GPS Surveying Problems. IEEE Explorer, 2019, DOI:DOI: 10.1109/INISTA.2019.8778423
  60. Fidanova S., Luque G., Roeva O., Ganzha M.. Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Workforce Planning: Influence of the Evaporation Parameter. Proceedings of the 2019 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, 2019, ISSN:ISSN 2300-5963, 181-185
  61. Zaluski A., Ganzha M., Paprzycki M., Badica C., Badica A., Ivanovic M., Fidanova S., Lirkov I.. Experimenting with facilitating collaborative travel recommendations. International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, 2019, ISBN:978-1-7281-0699-1, ISSN:2372-1618, DOI:10.1109/ICSTCC.2019.8885795, 260-265

Technical Reports
  1. V.Aleksandrov,S.Fidanova, Optimal 2D regular array for a special class of non uniform recurrence equations, Tech. report, N 634, University of Newcastle, UK,1993
  2. S. Fidanova, Ant Algorithm with Additional Reinforcement for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Tech. report No 10 IRIDIA, Free University of Brussels, Belgium, 2002.
  3. S. Fidanova, Ant Colony Optimization: Additional Reinforcement and Convergence, Tech rep. No 30, IRIDIA Free University of Brussels, Belgium, 2002, (cited 2 times).
  4. H. Saleh, S. Fidanova, Various Local Search Procedures for Improving the Functionality of Metaheuristic Techniques in Optimising the Global Positioning System (GPS) Networks, Tech rep. No 5, IRIDIA Free University of Brussels, Belgium, 2003.

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