Последна промяна на:

Цветан Томов Остромски
Дата на раждане:
03.09.1961 г.
Родно място:
София, България
Служебен адрес:
ул. "Акад. Георги Бончев", бл.25А, 1113 София, България
Домашен адрес:
ул. Ф. Ж. Кюри 18, бл. 79, ап. 61, 1113 София, България
Служебен телефон:
Домашен телефон:
О.Н.С. Доктор, специалност Изчислителна Математика, СУ "Кл. Охридски", 1997.
Магистър по математика, специалност Математическо Моделиране, СУ "Кл. Охридски", 1986.
Чужди езици: Aнглийски - писмено и говоримо, Руски - писмено и говоримо.
- научен сътрудник I ст. - от 1996;
- старши научен сътрудник II ст. - от юни 2005.

Научни интереси

- I.T. Dimov, R. Georgieva, Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, Sensitivity studies of pollutant concentrations calculated by the UNI-DEM with respect to the input emissions, Cent. Eur. J. Math., 2013, 11(8), pp. 1531 - 1545. DOI: 10.2478/s11533-013-0256-2 .
- Tz. Ostromsky, K. Georgiev, Z. Zlatev, An Efficient Highly Parallel Implementation of a Large Air Pollution Model on an IBM Blue Gene Supercomputer, in: Proc. 4-th International Conference AMiTaNS'12, June 11--16, 2012, Varna, Bulgaria, AIP Conf. Proc. 1487, 2012, pp. 135 - 142. ISSN: 0094-243X , ISBN: 978-0-7354-1099-2 .
- I. Dimov, R. Georgieva, Tz. Ostromsky, Monte Carlo Sensitivity Analysis of an Eulerian Large-scale Air Pollution Model, Reliability Engineering and System Safety 107 (2012), Elsevier, pp. 23 - 28. ISSN: 0951-8320. Doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2011.06.007 .
- Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, Tz. Ostromsky, Solving Advection Equations by Applying the Crank-Nicolson Scheme Combined with the Richardson Extrapolation, International Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2011 (to appear), doi:10.1155/2011/520840 .
- Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov, P. Marinov, R. Georgieva, Z. Zlatev, Advanced Sensitivity Analysis of the Danish Eulerian Model in Parallel and Grid Environment, in: Proc. 3-rd Int. Conference AMiTaNS'11 June 20-25, 2011, Albena, Bulgaria, American Institute of Physics (AIP), (to appear).
- Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov, R. Georgieva, Z. Zlatev, Parallel Computation of Sensitivity Analysis Data for the Danish Eulerian Model, Proc. 8-th International Conference LSSC'11, 6-10.06.2011, Sozopol, LNCS 7116 (to appear) (ISSN 0302-9743).
- K. Georgiev, Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, New Parallel Implementation of an Air Pollution Computer Model -- Performance Study on IBM Blue Gene/P Computer, Proc. 8-th International Conference LSSC'11, 6-10.06.2011, Sozopol, LNCS 7116 (to appear) (ISSN 0302-9743).
- Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, Tz. Ostromsky, Implementation of Richardson Extrapolation in the treatment of one-dimensional advection equations, in: Numerical Methods and Applications, LNCS 6046, Springer, pp. 198 - 206, 2011 (ISSN 0302-9743).
- I. Dimov, R. Georgieva, Tz. Ostromsky, Adaptive Monte Carlo Algorithm for Sensitivity Studies of Eulerian Large-scale Air Pollution Models, in: Proc. 6-th International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output, Milan, Italy, July 19-22, 2010 (E. Borgonovo, A. Saltelli and S. Tarantola, eds.), Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2, Elsevier, pp. 7646 - 7647, (2010), (ISSN 1877-0428).
- I. Dimov, R. Georgieva, S. Ivanovska, Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, Studying the sensitivity of pollutant's concentrations caused by variations of chemical rates, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 235 Iss. 2 (2010), Elsevier, pp. 391 - 402 (ISSN 0377-0427).
- Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov, R. Georgieva, Z. Zlatev, Sensitivity Analysis of a Large-scale Air Pollution Model: Numerical Aspects and a Highly Parallel Implementation, in: Large-Scale Scientific Computations, LNCS 5910 (2010), Elsevier, pp. 197 - 205 (ISSN 0302-9743).
- Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, Parallel Performance and Scalability Experiments with the Danish Eulerian Model on the EPCC Supercomputers, in: Numerical Analysis and Its Applications i (S. Margenov L. Vulkov J. Wasniewski, Eds.), Proc. 4th Int. Conference NAA'2008, Lozenetz, Bulgaria, LNCS 5434 (2009), pp. 447-453 (ISBN 978-3-642-00463-6).
- P. Csomos, I. Dimov, I. Farago, A. Havasi, Tz. Ostromsky, Computational Complexity of Weighted Splitting Schemes on Parallel Computers , International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, Vol. 22, Issue 3 (2007), pp. 137-147 (ISSN 1744-5760).
- Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, Parallel and GRID implementation of a large scale air pollution model, Proc. NM&A'06 (T. Boyanov, S. Dimova, K. Georgiev, G. Nikolov, Eds.), Borovets, Bulgaria, LNCS 4310 (2007), pp. 475-482 (ISBN 978-3-540-70940-4).
- Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov, Z. Zlatev, Parallel implementation and one year experiments with the Danish Euleian Model, Proc. 3-rd International Conference NAA'04, Rousse, Bulgaria, LNCS 3401 (Jan. 2005), pp. 440-447.
- I. Dimov, Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, Challenges in using splitting techniques for large-scale environmental modeling , Proc. NATO ARW'04, Advances in Air Pollution Modelling for Environmental Security (I. Farago, K. Georgiev, A. Havasi, eds.), NATO Science Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 54, Springer (2005), pp. 115-131.
- I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, Computational challenges in the numerical treatment of large air pollution models, Ecological Modelling 179, Elsevier (2004), pp. 187-203.
- K. Georgiev ,Tz. Ostromsky, Performance results of a large air pollution model on two parallel computers, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, Vol.22, No.1-2 Inderscience Enterprice Ltd. (2004), pp. 43-50.
- Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, Flexible Two-level Parallel Implementations of a Large Air Pollution Model, Numerical Methods and Applications (I.Dimov, I.Lirkov, S. Margenov, Z. Zlatev - eds.), LNCS-2542, Springer (2003), pp. 545-554.
- I. Dimov, K. Georgiev, Tz. Ostromsky, R. J. van der Pas, Z. Zlatev, Computational Challenges in the Numerical Treatment of Large Air Pollution Models, Mathpreprints Server: http://www.mathpreprints.com/math/Preprint/zlatev/20011210/3/.
- Tz. Ostromsky, W. Owczarz, Z. Zlatev, Computational Challenges in Large-scale Air Pollution Modelling, Proc. 2001 International Conference on Supercomputing, Sorrento, Italy, ACM Press, NY (2001), pp. 407-418.
- Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, Parallel Implementation of a Large-scale 3-D Air Pollution Model, Large Scale Scientific Computing (S. Margenov, J. Wasniewski, P. Yalamov, Eds.), LNCS-2179, Springer (2001), pp. 309-316.
- Z. Zlatev, I. Dimov, Tz. Ostromsky, G. Geernaert, I. Tzvetanov, A. Bastrup-Birk, Calculating Losses of Crops in Denmark Caused by High Ozone Levels, Environmental Modelling and Assessment, Vol. 6, Kluwer (2001), pp. 35-55.
- Tz. Ostromsky, I. Dimov, I. Tzvetanov, Z. Zlatev, Estimation of the Wheat Losses Caused by the Tropospheric Ozone in Bulgaria and Denmark, Numerical Analysis and Its Applications (L. Vulkov, J. Wasniewski, P. Yalamov, Eds.), LNCS-1988, Springer (2001), pp. 636-643.
- I. Dimov, Tz. Ostromsky, I. Tzvetanov, Z. Zlatev, Economical Estimation of the Losses of Crops Due to High Ozone Levels, Large-Scale Scientific Computations of Engineering and Environmental Problems II (M. Griebel, S. Margenov, P. Yalamov, eds.), NNFM, Vol.73, Vieweg (2000), pp. 275-282.
- I. Dimov, Tz. Ostromsky, I. Tzvetanov, Z. Zlatev, Economical estimation of the losses of crops due to high ozone levels in the Bulgarian atmosphere, Agricultural Economics and Management, 5 (1999), pp. 48-52 (in Bulgarian).
- Tz. Ostromsky, A. Sameh, V. Sarin, Parallel Solution of Large Sparse Linear Systems by a Balance Scheme Preconditioner, Report CS-98-030, Comp. Sci. Department., Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN, USA (1998).
- Tz. Ostromsky, A. Sameh, V. Sarin, A Parallel Sparse Linear System Preconditioner: Balance Scheme, Proc. SCI/ISAS'98, Orlando, FL, USA, Vol.2 (1998), pp. 367-372.
- Tz. Ostromsky, P. C. Hansen, Z. Zlatev, A Coarse-grained Parallel QR-factorization Algorithm for Sparse Least Squares Problems, Parallel Computing, Vol.24, No.5-6 (1998), pp. 937-964.
- Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, Application of Sparse Matrix Techniques in the Chemical Part of a Large Air Pollution Model, Large-Scale Scientific Computations of Engineering and Environmental Problems (M. Griebel, O. Iliev, S. Margenov, P. Vassilevski, eds.), NNFM, Vol.62, Vieweg (1998), pp. 189-197.
- P. C. Hansen, Tz. Ostromsky, A. Sameh, Z. Zlatev, Solving sparse linear least squares problems on some supercomputers by using a sequence of large dense blocks, BIT, Vol.37, No.3 (1997), pp. 535-558.
- Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, Using Dense Matrix Computations in the Solution of Sparse Problems, Proc. WNAA'96 - Russe, Bulgaria, LNCS-1196, Springer (1997), pp. 357-364.
- Tz. Ostromsky, S. Salvini, J. Wasniewski and Z. Zlatev, Parallel solution of sparse problems by using a sequence of large dense blocks, Applied Parallel Computing. Industrial Computation and Optimization (J. Wasniewski, J. Dongarra, K. Madsen and D. Olesen, Eds.), Springer (1996), pp. 65-76.
- Tz. Ostromsky, P. C. Hansen, Z. Zlatev, A Parallel Sparse QR-factorization Algorithm, Applied Parallel Computing (J. Dongarra, K. Madsen and J. Wasniewski, Eds.), LNCS-1041, Springer (1996), pp. 462-472.
- A. C. N. van Duin, P. C. Hansen, Tz. Ostromsky, H. Wijshoff and Z. Zlatev, Improving the Numerical Stability and the Performance of a Parallel Sparse Solver, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.30, No.12 (1995), pp. 81-96.
- Z. Zlatev, J. Wasniewski, P. C. Hansen and Tz. Ostromsky, PARASPAR: a package for the solution of large linear algebraic equations on parallel computers with shared memory, TR-95-10, UNI-C (Danish Computing Center for Research and Education), Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark (1995).
K. A. Gallivan, P. C. Hansen, Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev,
A locally optimized
reordering algorithm and its application
to a parallel sparse linear system solver,
Computing, Vol.54, No.1 (1995), pp. 39-67.
Also available as Tech. Report TR-93-07, UNI-C (Danish Computing Center for Research and Education), Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark (1993). - P. C. Hansen, Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, Two enhancements in a partitioned sparse code, Proc. First International Workshop PARA'94, Lyngby, Denmark, LNCS-879, Springer (1994), pp. 296-303.
- Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, P. C. Hansen, K. A. Gallivan, Reordering of sparse matrices and application to a parallel sparse linear system solver, Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modelling (S. Markov, editor), DATECS, Sofia (1993), pp. 85-90.
- A. Basermann, P. Weidner, P.C. Hansen, Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Zlatev, Reordering of Sparse Matrices for Parallel Processing, Tech. Report TR-94-03, UNI-C, Lyngby, Denmark, February 1994
- Z. Karakehayov, Tz. Ostromsky, Distributed Control Using Shared Input, Proc. Twelfth IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics, Annecy, France, May 18-20 (1994), pp. 276-278.
- Tz. Ostromsky, Z. Nedev, Broadcasting a Message in a Hypercube with Possible Link Faults, Parallel and Distributed Processing '91 (K. Boyanov, editor), Elsevier (1992), pp. 231-240.
- H. Djidjev, R. Andonov, V. Jossifov, V. Aleksandrov, Tz. Ostromsky, Mathematical Problems in Automatic Design of VLSI, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1989) (in Bulgarian).
- Tz. Ostromsky, A computer program for automatic synthesis of systolic arrays, Proc. 17-th Spring Conference of UBM, Varna, (1988), pp. 483-488 (in Bulgarian).